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Food Security Indicators

Acute Option
2008 2017
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Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (Acute)

The Nepal Food Security Monitoring System (NeKSAP) operates nationwide and includes District Food Security Networks (DFSNs) in 74 of 75 districts (only Kathmandu district is not included). DFSNs use the NeKSAP integrated food security phase classification method (IPC) to classify the severity and causes of acute food insecurity in Nepal every four months (March, July, and November). DFSNs use a set of standard procedures and tools, adapted for the Nepal context, to synthesize the latest available data and local knowledge, reach a consensus on the current food security situation and classify every village development committee (VDC) and municipality into one of five phases: Phase 1 - minimally food insecure, Phase 2 - moderately food insecure (or stressed), Phase 3 - highly food insecure (or crisis), Phase 4 - severely food insecure (or emergency), and Phase 5 - humanitarian emergency (or declared famine). These analysis outcomes are synthesized in the form of Food Security Bulletins (District and national level) and communicated to the stakeholders for the action. NeKSAP is implemented by the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD) with strategic guidance from the National Planning Commission (NPC) and technical assistance from the World Food Programme.