The application allows users to view statistics based on socio economic data within the Koshi basin. Users can change the variables of their choice from the list to view on chart and map.
GDP per capita (USD):
Country/state/district GDP divided by its corresponding population
Literacy rate (%):
Literacy rate is ration of literate population (6 years and above).
Family size (number/hh):
Average number of people living in family.
Economically active population (years):
The proportion of a country's population that is involved in the production and distribution of goods and services. Aged between 15-59 yrs. is considered as economically active population in Nepal
Drinking water access (%):
Percentage of population in a given area having the access to improved drinking water supply.
Access to electricity (%):
Percentage of population in a given area having the access to electricity.
Poverty incidence (%):
It is the proportion of employed population below $1.90 purchasing power parity (ppp) a day.